"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33
It's great in theory and I'm sure it's the principle that every Christian claims to live by. But what does it really mean? Total surrender. God first and only. I wonder, is that the reality that I live? Sad to say, the answer is no for a large majority of us. Sure, we say that we want God to be the centre of our lives and we even commit things to His care and allow Him to work things out on our behalf but when it comes to the really important stuff, we like to give Him a helping hand. A nudge in the right direction according to us. Which brings me to my point...relationships. I was listening to a presentation on this very subject. It said the first step to building a good relationship is having a good relationship with God! Surprise surprise! We all want to find that special someone. The person who makes us feel "whole" and "complete". The person who's able to "make us happy". We want to get married so we can be or become happy. Or at least that's what we're told we want. By subscribing so wholeheartedly to the world's messed up view of happiness and good relationships, we forget the a most important truth. Let's ask ourselves a few questions: Am I happy? Is my life complete? Can I truly say that I have achieved wholeness? If the answer to these questions is a resounding "no", then why would be think that we would be able to achieve with another person, who's probably in the same situation, what we can't achieve on our own? If we put two incomplete puzzles together, will they complete each other? If we "marry" two empty ketchup bottles, will they magically become full? Of course not. The reality is that so often, we try to fill the God-sized hole in our lives with other people who are inevitably trying to do the same thing and then we turn around and cry when the heartache comes and ask God why He allowed us to get hurt when things don't work out. So what's the solution to our problem? Matthew 6 explains it pretty simply, Seek God first! Sort out our own dysfunctional relationship with the only person who WILL love us unconditionally; the only person who's able to complete us and make us whole and happy all alone. And then, He'll give us the desires of our heart. Jesus created us and He knows that we're relational beings. He didn't intend for us to be alone. He told us that our Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need. All we have to do is leave it to Him!
This is very profound. You are so right we get so caught up in with getting man to complete us, and not God. Man can't complete us, they are just like us having problems. So how can we rely on on them, it is not fear nor right. It is adding more pressure on ourselves and that individual.
ReplyDeleteOne of the things you said in your blog is that we point God in our direction it is like we are telling God you come down to my level and give me what I desire, and failing to realise the we have to rise up to His level, and conform to His desire He have for us.
God is not going to do it though sometimes, if we are held bent on going our own way He steps back and allow it. What happens after we go full force in our own direction? We have to walk right back to God and ask Him to sort it for us. But 99% of the time we come back with bruises, scares that wont go away. But in His love and mercy He still comforts us, restore us back to Him though scared.
I love this statement you made, "So what's the solution to our problem? Matthew 6 explains it pretty simply, Seek God first! Sort out our own dysfunctional relationship with the only person who WILL love us unconditionally; the only person who's able to complete us and make us whole and happy all alone. And then, He'll give us the desires of our heart. Jesus created us and He knows that we're relational beings. He didn't intend for us to be alone. He told us that our Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need. All we have to do is leave it to Him!". This will definitely elevate all the mess we get ourselves in.
When I read this, a smile came on my face to show that the Holy Spirit is working, my prayer and fast partner and I was just discussing the same thing today. It is so important that we break up the fallow ground so good fruits can come out of our lives, and once we please God, be broken on the rock oh yes our desires will be filled. What did God say in His word, there is nothing good that He with held from those who love and trust in Him.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. May God be praise.