Sunday 25 November 2012

Life as a gluten free vegan

So life a gluten free vegan isn't the easiest thing. I had a great day out with my good friend "Elly" today. We went to a craft fayre which interestingly enough consisted mostly of sweets chocolate and jewellery....go figure! Needless to say I bought nothing!
There was also a stall with some amazingly sweet smelling natural products. I wanted to to buy it expensive! Walk away slowly.
Why was "Santa" offering us sweets?? I don't think Santa and I can be friends. He kinda freaks me out!
Then it was on to the vegan food open day! Great!!! Food! I was famished!
Being my naive self...I held on to hope that there might be at least one thing I could eat....ummm try nothing!!!
Everything was baked and wheat filled! *tears* the fun day out ended with a hungry little wheat intolerant vegan going to the chip shop...(1st time in years) and ordering chips. Life as a wheat intolerant vegan....good times!

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